New Homes Incentive Program

As of November 13, 2024, the New Homes incentive is now fully subscribed and we are no longer accepting applications.

The New Homes Incentive Program is designed to encourage the construction of more energy efficient homes and includes the benefits of solar PV installations. An EnerGuide rating, determined by an energy advisor, is required.

Investments you make in energy efficiency during the construction stage can pay off in lower energy bills. Reducing a home's energy consumption by 10 gigajoules per year can reduce lifetime energy costs by about $3,000.

Rebate amount

HAT Smart will rebate up to $10,000 based on the level of energy savings achieved beyond a ‘typical new home’ – that is one built to the current energy code.

All gigajoule savings contributed through on-site renewable energy will be included when determining the rebate amount.

Rebate by energy savings percentage
Percentage of energy savingsAmount of rebate per GJ
≤ R-10% $50
11% ≥ 15% $60
16% ≥ 20% $75
21% ≥ 25% $90
> 25% $100

Example 1: if the typical new home baseline is 88 GJ and the actual rating is 77 GJ, the rebate would be $660. [1 – 77/88 = 12.5% reduction; rebate is $60/GJ x (88-77) = $660]

Example 2: if the typical new home baseline is 138 GJ and the actual rating is 73 GJ, the rebate would be $6,500. [1 – 73/138 = 47% reduction; rebate is $100/GJ x (138-73) = $6,500]

Application deadline

Application deadline is noon on January 9, 2025.

Application terms and conditions

The following Application Terms and Conditions (Terms and Conditions) establish the eligibility requirements and related terms and conditions for an application to the New Homes Incentive Program (Program).

The application shall be subject to approval by HAT Smart. A completed application is neither a guarantee of eligibility for a rebate under the Program, nor payment of the rebate itself, and is subject to the following Terms and Conditions:

  1. The Program will be in effect from January 1 to December 31, 2024 (Term), or until a time in which Program funds are fully subscribed.
    • Applicants are eligible for 1 (one) rebate per residential address.
  2. The deadline to submit applications is noon on January 9, 2025. Your application will be declined if it is:
    • Incomplete or illegible. A new application will be required and must be received prior to the application deadline.
    • Late, or received after Program funds are fully subscribed. Applications received after Program funds are fully subscribed, and/or applications where funds have not been reserved will be entered in the queue. Should funds become available, you will be notified.
  3. The Program is designed to encourage the construction of more energy efficient homes and includes the benefits of solar PV installations.
  4. To qualify for a rebate under the Program, the:
    • EnerGuide rating must be obtained under the ERS v.15 rating system and must be determined by a certified energy advisor (Eligible Project); and
    • Final evaluation must be completed between January 1 and December 31, 2024 as evidenced by the date on the corresponding EnerGuide label and report.
  5. To be eligible for a rebate under the Program:
    • Applicants must receive a City of Medicine Hat residential Electric and/or Natural Gas utility statement for the Project address in their name; and
    • The Eligible Project must be completed by the property owner as confirmed through the City of Medicine Hat billing system.
  6. Funds will be reserved, to a maximum of $10,000, based on the projected reduction in gigajoules as determined by the initial evaluation. Visit the HAT Smart website for incentive details.
  7. Rebates are paid based on the reduction in gigajoules as determined by the final evaluation. If you have received confirmation that funds have been reserved, your rebate will be calculated and paid to a maximum of the reserved amount.
    • If the calculated rebate is greater than the reserved amount, but less than $10,000 (maximum rebate), you may receive payment of the difference if funds are available. Otherwise, the difference will be entered in the queue for payment after the current Program closes, provided funds become available.
    • Omission of Required Documentation will result in an incomplete application which will be declined by HAT Smart.
    • The Applicant should retain a copy of the application form and all required documentation as the Applicant’s original application and documentation will not be returned by HAT Smart.
  8. The Applicant is solely responsible for:
    • researching and ensuring they qualify under applicable eligibility criteria as outlined on the HAT Smart website;
    • meeting all Program requirements and complying with any laws, regulations, or by-laws regarding permits, codes, restrictions, and/or inspections in relation to products or equipment installed; and
    • any direct or indirect taxes, duties, levies, fees, or like charges incurred as a result of participation in the Program.
  9. The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that HAT Smart:
    • is not responsible for, and accepts no liability nor makes any representations with respect to estimated or possible energy savings;
    • is not responsible for, nor liable for, the selection, purchase, installation, and ownership/ maintenance of the products included in the submitted rebate application; and
    • makes no representation or warranty, whether expressed, implied, direct or indirect, with respect to the products, services or other measures that the Applicant has purchased.
  10. The Applicant further agrees:
    • the Eligible Project has been completed in the specified dwelling through a service provider and that purchases and installations are of new condition and for non-commercial use only;
    • that HAT Smart is not affiliated in any way with the manufacturer, distributor, dealer, and/or installer of the product(s);
    • that combined incentives from government programs shall not exceed 100% of Eligible Project costs;
    • any other rebate(s), discount(s) and/or incentive(s) offered and/or provided by any government agency, institution, manufacturer, distributor, dealer and/or installer are separate and distinct from the Program and HAT Smart shall not be responsible for the administration or payment of the same nor be responsible for the erroneous submission of other rebate(s), discount(s) and/or incentive(s) to HAT Smart.
  11. In submitting this application, the Applicant consents:
    • to the disclosure of personal information, as well as the rebate amount awarded to the Applicant, to HAT Smart, its contractors, employees, partners and others who have a need to know; and
    • to the collection, use, disclosure and retention of such information for five years, following which such information will be destroyed or made anonymous.
  12. HAT Smart reserves the right to change or terminate the Program at any time without notice or explanation. HAT Smart will use reasonable efforts to process a completed eligible application received prior to changes or Program termination according to Program requirements in effect on the date the application was received.
  13. The Applicant should allow four (4) weeks to process the application and payment. If approved, the rebate will be paid by cheque, direct deposit, or as a credit on your utility account. All rebate cheques issued must be cashed within 180 days from the cheques’ issuance date and will not be re-issued after this time.


How to participate
Determine eligibility

Before applying, read the Eligibility section below. Don’t forget to check out the FAQs!


To qualify for a rebate:

  • Applicants must receive a City of Medicine Hat residential Electric and/or Natural Gas utility statement for the Project address in their name; and
  • The EnerGuide evaluation must be obtained under the ERS v.15 rating system by a certified energy advisor and the final evaluation completed between January 1 and December 31, 2024.

Failure to comply with incentive requirements and/or terms and conditions will cause your application to be declined and a new application will be required, which will be entered in the queue for payment based on the date it is received by HAT Smart.

Solar PV installations

If you plan to install a Solar PV system:

  • A System Size Review is required. Visit the City’s Microgeneration webpage for more information.
  • Solar PV systems must be designed and installed by a qualified installer and system components and must be CSA or ULC approved for installation in Canada. Visit one of the websites below for installers/contractors serving Medicine Hat and area.
  • All equipment must be purchased in Canada between January 1 and December 31, 2024 as evidenced by the date on invoices and/or receipts. Online purchases are only eligible if they are ordered from an online distributor in Canada.

Any deviation, whether increase or decrease, from the approved system size (kW DC or kW AC) must be approved by the City and the Utilities Distribution Systems Electric Engineering Department (Electric Engineering).

If the installed system size is larger than the approved system size, Electric Engineering may refuse to install the bi-directional meter until the system size is corrected and the rebate may be denied at HAT Smart's discretion.

Notification of changes

HAT Smart requires notification of all changes to the approved system size as this may affect the rebate amount for your project, as well as subsequent applications.

If a larger size has been approved and funding is fully reserved, the difference in the Rebate Amount will be placed in the queue for processing based on the date notification is received and may be paid out should additional funding become available.

Do your research

If you are purchasing or building an energy-efficient home, visit the NRCan website to learn about EnerGuide-rated new homes.

Learn more about buying a new home on the Canadian Home Builders' Association website.

Choosing a contractor

Not sure how to choose a contractor? See what the Government of Alberta and Canadian Home Builders' Association suggest.

Obtain your EnerGuide rating

Contact a service organization to schedule and complete an EnerGuide evaluation.

Who is an energy advisor?

An energy advisor is an individual that has been licenced and tested by Natural Resources Canada to perform all the required modeling, testing, and associated paperwork required to obtain an EnerGuide rating.

What steps are involved in obtaining an EnerGuide rating?
  1. The builder contacts an energy advisor to enroll and label the house in the program.
  2. The energy advisor completes an analysis of the new house plans, noting components that will affect the energy efficiency of the house (i.e. mechanical equipment, windows, building envelope, insulation levels, etc.), referred to as ‘Initial Modelling’.
  3. The energy advisor inputs this information into NRCan's energy simulation software to determine the estimated annual energy usage and EnerGuide rating for the house as per the plans.
  4. The energy advisor also provides variations of the simulation that include energy efficient upgrades which improve the energy performance of the home. The energy advisor ensures that good Building Science principles are maintained.
  5. The ‘as per plans’ rating and the optional energy efficient upgrades are provided to the builder for costing analysis.
  6. The builder meets with the homeowner to agree on the house specs and energy efficient components that their house will have, and associated costs.
  7. When construction is complete, the builder calls the energy advisor to verify the energy efficient upgrades in the house and perform a blower door test.
  8. After data has been collected, the homeowner is provided with the evaluation report and official label that shows the EnerGuide rating of the home. This label is then be affixed to the electrical panel.
Reserve funds

Fill out the application for projects where the final EnerGuide evaluation will be completed before December 31, 2024. If funds are fully subscribed, your application will be placed in the queue for processing, should funds become available.

As of November 13, 2024, the New Homes incentive is now fully subscribed and we are no longer accepting applications.

If your project will not be complete by year end, email HAT Smart to remove your application from the queue. This allows funds to made available to other projects in the queue. A new application will need to be submitted the following year, provided the New Homes incentive is available.

Construct your home and get your final EnerGuide rating

Final evaluations must be completed between January 1 and December 31, 2024 to qualify.

Collect your documents

Attach all required documentation, as outlined below.

Omission of required documentation, and/or photos that do not clearly show the panels and inverters, will result in an incomplete application, which will be declined by HAT Smart. A new application will be required and placed in the queue for processing based on the date it is received by HAT Smart. Payment may not be made if funds are fully subscribed.

Required documentation
  • Official EnerGuide rating label
  • Final evaluation report provided by the energy advisor
On-site renewables

If a Solar PV system was installed, the following documents are required:

  • Solar PV Design, showing the Module DC Nameplate, Inverter AC Nameplate, and expected annual generation output.
  • Photo(s) of panels and inverters
  • Invoice with a detailed description of the project, installed system size (kW DC and kW AC) and total project cost.
  • Proof of payment (receipt)
Other rebates

Confirmation of rebate amounts received, or to be received, from complementary municipal, provincial, and/or federal government programs.

Submit your EnerGuide Home Evaluation report

Request your rebate

Complete the application to request your rebate.

Request your rebate



To receive payment by direct deposit, complete the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Registration Form. Otherwise, your rebate will be paid by Cheque and mailed to the address provided on your application form.

Frequently asked questions

I live outside of Medicine Hat. Am I eligible for the HAT Smart rebates?

Yes, all City of Medicine Hat residential Electric and/or Natural Gas Utility customers are eligible to apply. If you currently receive a residential electric or natural gas bill in your name from the City of Medicine Hat, you are eligible to apply.

Am I guaranteed to receive a rebate if I apply?

All applications are subject to approval by HAT Smart. A completed application form is NOT a guarantee of eligibility for a rebate under the program, nor payment of the rebate itself. Rebates are issued on a first come, first served basis. An incomplete application form can result in a delay of payment or no payment if program funds have been exhausted.

Why was my application declined?

If your application was declined, either it did not meet the eligibility criteria, required documentation was missing, it was received after the deadline, or Program funds were fully subscribed.

I reserved funds but now can't finish my project. What should I do?

If your project will not be complete by year end, email HAT Smart to remove your application from the queue. This allows funds to made available to other projects in the queue.