
Bylaws in force

The Bylaws available on the City of Medicine Hat website are for general information only and are not an exhaustive list. We cannot guarantee their completeness or correctness. Find the most current version of any bylaw by searching our corporate records database or hit the "Search all bylaws" button near the bottom of this page. For a certified copy of any bylaw, or if you are having difficulty finding a particular one, please email

Proposed bylaws

These bylaws have been or will be introduced for first reading by City Council. 

Tri-Area Intermunicipal Development Plan To repeal Bylaw No. 4605 and adopt Bylaw No. 4846 to replace the Tri-Area Intermunicipal Development Plan. #4846


Bylaw enforcement

The Medicine Hat Police Service handles all Bylaw reports and complaints.

Bylaw Enforcement


Under the Canadian Constitution, the provinces have the authority to delegate certain law-making powers to municipalities, who may pass bylaws within the municipal jurisdiction.

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